AZFH can provide the following features and location services (virtual office) :
- A location that can include either a personal or business address.
- An e-mail address which is redirected to your company
- Telephone line redirection is available
- Redirection of post
- Conference room(s)
- Administrators
There are several scenarios which may force you into considering your company location, as well as making use of an administrator, or a manager.
1. If you live overseas and wish to form a company (Ltd. or PLC) in Switzerland
Then Swiss law requires you to have one director (GmbH) or an administrator (PLC), who must be either a Swiss citizen, or a citizen of an EU nation, and who must be resident in Switzerland. He/she must represent the company vis-à-vis third parties. If you do not have any such individuals, then you must use contractors for the management or administration of your business.
You will also require a service provider (who may also be the manager) in order to register the business headquarters of your company. This is known as domiciliation. He/she shall receive mail addressed to you company and will forward it to you at the address of your choice. You may also need to have a Swiss telephone and/or fax line with calls forwarded to your customers.
2. You already have a company (PLC or Ltd.) overseas, and wish to create a branch in Switzerland.
Creating a branch in Switzerland is easy and not expensive. It must have the same name and have the same business objectives as your main business, although it does not need to hold any share capital. However, the turnover generated via the branch must be included as part of your company turnover. In addition to this, you will have a representative based in Switzerland who is authorised to represent you and host the headquarters of your local branch.
3. You wish to relocate your existing company or create a new one, in a fiscally advantageous Swiss canton.
Le siège de la société détermine le lieu de l'imposition. Toutefois, le fisc considère d'abord le lieu de l'activité. It is the location of the headquarters of a company which determines its place of taxation. However, the tax authorities will consider the initial trading locations first. If you engage in local or physical trading, and are well established elsewhere, besides in the Swiss cantons, then the Cantonal tax authorities will agree for taxes to be withheld by your organisation. This alternative is of particular interest for those who have over 80% of their trade outside of Switzerland (domiciliary companies) or for those who simply trade in Switzerland without having any structure or premises.